Monday, July 9, 2007



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Any titbit of info on what we can expect for 02nd Nov?? Pray tell!

ASK JAN said...

Sworn to secrecy. All I can say is that it will be challenging and fun.......

Anonymous said...

Dear Jan

Do you think that Manpower could be considered sexist? Our staff complement is mainly female and it seems that every time a new branch manager is hired or a new employee is hired they are almost certain to be women.

Ask Jan said...

Hi kzn guy

We always endeavour to appoint the best person for the position. The nature of the recruitment industry worldwide is such that it is dominated by females, hence more female consultants and managers.

Our next appointment as Regional Manager in Bryanston will be a guy - the reason, he is the best person for the job. Nothing to do with gender.


Anonymous said...

We are finding that our GI Index index drops during the day - is it possible to supply us with fruit or muffins during the course of the day as to avoid these low periods. This will increase our production and revenue for the company.

Ask Jan said...

Suggest you start the day with a high fibre breakfast......

Anonymous said...

Hi Jan,

Can we introduce a programme where we have a quarterly report on how a consultant ranks in their division, and region, and possibly have a top 10 in the country report? it is normally easy to predict who will be the top consultant, and people who are never mentioned but achieve in their division can be demotivated by feeling they aren't recognised...

Thank you
Kind regards

Ask Jan said...

Hi Sarah

Great idea. I will get Melany to look at putting together a monthly "league table" that we will publish on a monthly basis.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jan,

Thank you for your honest responses. Can i ask what is happening with the deficits? hopes were raised a few weeks ago, with talk of it being removed, and with Christmas around the corner...well, lets just say, times are getting desperate here...

It would be great if we could have a date on when we could expect it?

Thank you
kind regards

Ask Jan said...

Hi Sarah

Watch out for an email within the next week regarding the issue of the deficits.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jan,

Thanks for a great year, here' hoping 2009 will be even better. We are currently brainstorming about Q1, and Bavisha also asked, where is Manpower positioned with Fifa for 2010? Looking into the global Manpower history we have in the past been involved with the Athens Olympics, but nothing since then. Is it possible we could still secure contracts for promotional staff (etc, etc)or increase visibility with advertising, or sponsorships at the event?

Kind regards

Ask Jan said...

Hi Sarah

The short answer is no - from Manpower South Africa point of view we have not focused on this at all as yet.

I will place it on the agenda for our 1st management meeting in January 09.

In the interim, it would be good if we can do some investigation into how we can get involved with supplying staff. Is this something that you can look at for us?


Anonymous said...

Dear Jan,

The age old question has again been raised by various consultants in our office. A client (a large national company) is willing to give us 9 specs immediately and and more on an ongoing basis. The client has shown us signed copies of terms with two other agencies (they keep it to a maximum of three agencies)that are signed at 12.5% across the board, calculated on basic salary x 13.

Our managers do not allow us to sign terms at this rate...therefore we have had to refuse business from them. From a consultants point of view, this is a really illogical way to work.

Manpower consultants are made to hunt business way more than other agencies, spend so much time doing the telesales that quite frankly does not work for everyone, and chase clients that we, most of the time cannot get to sign our ridiculous rates. We are not the market dominator, and we do not have the opportunity to dictate to clients in these tough economic times. So do we once again turn business away and let our competitors win?

Due to the sensitive nature of this question I am not disclosing any names.

Please advise what you, as a consultant, would do (and consider that you may not be hitting your budget)

Ask Jan said...

Dear Anonymous

Re. Placement Fees

This is a very good comment that was also raised when I was in Durban last week.

Everything that you mention in your communication is absolutely correct. I have just discussed this situation with Tina and will do the same tomorrow with Ian.

I have given the BMs the authority to negotiate lower rates with clients with immediate effect. However, I would like to see us getting something in return for lowering our fees, such a period of exclusivity, be it for a couple of days or a week. Let's be smart about how we use a rate reduction to our benefit.

Please discuss with your BM.

Happy hunting!